Kids Crew

Kids Crew     

Kids Crew

      Kids Crew

                      Kids Crew






Kids Crew

Children's Ministry at Voyage...


Our Vision

We strive to connect kids with God by cultivating hearts toward one another that live the love of Christ through biblically sound teaching and relational discipleship.

Our Mission

Our mission is to connect children's hearts with the heart of Jesus. We do this by carefully and intentionally revealing the nature and character of Christ, by helping children discover that God is "Gentle and humble in heart" Matthew 11:29. We partner with parents/caregivers in nurturing spiritual dependance of unwavering, healthy growing relationships with God. Inspiring and encouraging children to live the love of Jesus within, up and out in our community. We are here to be a support for the children in our faith family AND their  parents/caregivers, to equip them with the resources they need to take what we learn on Sunday's and put it into action at home.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Our Kids Crew usually meets every Sunday during the message portion of the Sunday morning gatherings. Our children's ministry program strives to share the love of Christ with every child in a safe, fun, and engaging environment. Each classroom will have a teacher and two at least helpers trained using our safe child policy. We break kids up into different sections based on ages and grade levels.

Skippers Class (Nursery: Birth-4 yrs)
Our goal with nursery is to provide parents with the opportunity to fully experience the worship service and feel confident that their little ones are being cared for in a safe and friendly environment.  We also believe in teaching the children in our faith family about God at a young age so we do incorporate an age appropriate lesson into our nursery setting. Children can be dropped off at our nursery before the gathering starts although we strongly encourage that children of all ages join us for the worship portion of the gathering. Children can be checked out at any time by their parent/caregiver. Our nursery is for children birth through 4 years old.

(Baby Lounge)
We also provide a quiet room for nursing mothers near the nursery equipped with dim lightening, comfy chairs, a small sofa, changing table, and audio from the gathering.

Navigators Class (K- 5th Grade)
The navigators class meets each Sunday during the Sunday morning  gatherings. Students participating in Navigators class will begin in the worship center with their families and be dismissed to their class following the children's blessing of our gathering. Children will exit the worship center with their teachers and head to class for age appropriate lessons. 

Kids Crew Security

The safety of every child in our faith family at Voyage is of the utmost importance.  To best ensure a safe environment, we use a name-tag check-in system for all of our children.  Upon arrival,  we ask that children ages birth to 5th grade get checked in by their parent/caregiver at the "Children's Ministry Check-In" station and retrieve their name tag for the day, located on the left side of the main entrance, lobby.  

After check in all families are encouraged to keep their children with them so they are included in the worship portion of our gathering as we believe that worship is an experience for the entire family of God, which includes ALL children! At the conclusion of the worship portion of our gathering all the children in our faith family are called up front for a blessing before their head off to their age appropriate classes.  Each child will then have a secondary check-in once in their teachers care. All class rooms have electronic communication available for teachers and parents/caregivers urgently if ever needed.

 After the completion of the Sunday worship gathering parents/caregivers will need to head to their children's class room to begin the check-out process. Parents/caregivers are the only ones permitted to check-out their child. Parents/caregivers must make contact with the teacher and check-out the child electronically within their child's class room. Children will not be permitted to leave their teachers care without being checked out and retrieved by their parent/caregiver.

All of our Kids Crew volunteers are competent and professional. Each volunteer goes through a background check and receives training prior to working with our children. 

Kids Crew Registration

You may register your children here or when you come in on Sunday

Sunday Mornings

Skippers Class
Birth-4 Years Old

Skipper class participants will check-in before the gathering, participate in the worship portion of the  gathering and then be dismissed to their class following the children's blessing. Children will be checked out and retrieved from their classroom by their parent/caregiver at the conclusion of the gathering. Our nursery is open from 9:45am until the end of the gathering. Children can be dropped off before the gathering (although we strongly encourage including all children in the worship portion of our gathering), anytime during the gathering, and can be checked-out at any point by their parent/caregiver.. 

Navigators Class
K-5th Grade

Navigator class participants will check-in before the gathering, participate in the worship portion of the  gathering and then be dismissed to their class following the children's blessing. Children will be checked out and retrieved from their classroom by their parent/caregiver at the conclusion of the gathering.

Contact Us

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